Health assessment FAQs



How does the assessment benefit me?

After completing the assessment, you'll receive a confidential, personalized report, which identifies your health status and suggests goals to help you improve your health.

By completing the assessment, you also earn 1,000 points through the Wellbeing Hub.

How can I tell if I’ve already taken the assessment this fiscal year?

Go to the Virgin Pulse website and click the Programs tab. You’ll see the Health Assessment link at the top of the page. Your wellness score and a link to your results will be here if you’ve completed the assessment. You can update your health assessment at any time. However, you can only receive the completion points once per fiscal year.

I’m having trouble registering on the Virgin Pulse site. Whom do I contact?

Contact the Virgin Pulse Help Desk at

Does the health assessment help me and Intuit save money?

Not directly. The assessment helps you and Intuit save money over the long term by helping you have visibility into your health status, make changes to improve your health or catch issues early—before they become bigger problems.

Can my family members  take the assessment?

No. The health assessment is only available to employees.


Why does the assessment ask personal questions?

To give you feedback that’s uniquely for you, the assessment needs personal information—such as your age, gender, health history and current health status—to help you identify ways to improve your health and lifestyle behaviors. All information is confidential. Only you have access to your online results via a secured site.

Who sees my assessment results, and how is the information used?

Intuit takes your privacy very seriously. When you complete the assessment, you receive a results report. What you do with the results is up to you.

Intuit receives only aggregate non-personally identifiable data, which we use to improve our programs and allocate resources. Intuit does not receive any information that could be linked to, or used to identify, an individual participant.