Meal benefits

Effective 18 August, your meal voucher provider is changed from 10Bis to Cibus-Sodexo. Pick up your new meal voucher from the People & Places team, Sunday–Thursday, 10 AM–2 PM, 6th floor at desk ~06035.

Meal vouchers are provided to Intuit Israel employees by Cibus-Sodexo. 


All regular employees and interns. This benefit is prorated if you work part-time or are an intern.

How it works

How to enroll

You are automatically enrolled.

How to get started

The value of a voucher is 1200 ILS per month. The benefit will be prorated for part-time employees. Employees will pay the tax on the benefit.

  • Meal vouchers are provided when you join Intuit and are automatically refilled on the 18th of each month. Your number is available for use as of your enrollment date. A card will be mailed to you at the Intuit office within two weeks of your enrollment.
  • Unused balances will not be carried over to the following month.
  • Use your voucher card to pay for meals in person at over 9,000 restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacies, and convenience stores across the country.
  • Order through the Cibus app or using Cibus as your method of payment from a variety of other restaurants, stores, and apps, including Wolt, yango deli, McDonalds, and more.

Where to get help

Visit website

HR Connect
Extension 13333
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