OPD, dental, and vision reimbursement

We at Intuit truly believe that prevention is better than cure.

As part of our overall medical insurance cover, Intuit provides OPD, dental and vision reimbursement up to INR 30,000 per fiscal year. This benefit is applicable only for you and your enrolled dependents under the Corporate Plans (A, B, C, D).

Parents–in-law enrolled under the voluntary policy are not covered under this benefit.

Outpatient Department (OPD) cover

OPD reimbursement allows you to claim reimbursement against doctor consultations as well as investigations and medicines as prescribed by the consulted doctor.


  • Consultations and investigations prescribed by a doctor/ specialist are covered
  • Cost of medicines as mentioned in the prescription
  • Diagnostic tests prescribed by a specialist i.e. routine blood work, X-ray, ECG, MRI, CT scans etc.


  • Non Allopathic/Non specialists consultations, medicines and treatments are not covered


Dental reimbursement allows you to claim reimbursement against regular dental check-up for yourself and your enrolled dependents. A doctor's prescription is required for reimbursment. Following are the inclusions and exclusions under this benefit.


  • Extraction & fillings
  • Dental consultations and pharmacy bills
  • Dental X-ray
  • Root canal and related expenses (X-ray to be submitted)


  • Cosmetic changes
  • Braces

Vision reimbursement

Vision reimbursement allows you to claim reimbursement against regular eye check-up for yourself and your enrolled dependents. Following are the inclusions and exclusions under this benefit.


  • Vision tests
  • Cost of spectacle glass (without frame) or lenses based on vision test and doctor's prescription
  • Doctor consultations and medicines as prescribed by the doctor


  • Cosmetic changes

Claim submission—dos and don’ts

  • Claim has to be submitted within 60 days from consultation date/purchase of medicine/investigations
  • The claim should be accompanied with a copy of prescription from the treating doctor for all investigations, procedures and medicines
  • All treatment and pharmacy bills need to be submitted in original
  • Please note that claims that do not match the doctor’s prescription will not be reimbursed

Claim submission process

To start an OPD claim, log into Paramount via SSO and select Claim Submission. See the OPD reimbursement claims process guide for more information.


Paramount Health mW!SE - Paramount TPA app

Where to get help

Visit website
Mr. Bhanukumar 8725965661 or by email
Mr. Jithendra Kumar 8655953534 or by email

For program details, please contact HR Connect.